Today I would like to show you the second part of my deer series - in June and July I was able to spend some time to take pictures of these beautiful animals.
The pictures were mainly taken near my hometown, in the region of the “Märkischer Kreis” and “Bergisches Land”.
Even if I am still not 100% satisfied and could not find ideal locations yet, there were some great moments.
Because I have been approached several times, I want to tell you something about the species: Deer do not see very well, but they take smells, sounds and movements very well.
Roe deer are a species of their own and not deer! They are incredibly filigree and weigh only 15 to 25 kg. For comparison: an adult red deer, on the other hand, weighs ten times as much at 200 kg.
Apart from that I don't want to write any more today and I just wish you a lot of fun with this series!
Many greetings,